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Now downloading free:Keithley 153RevA DocSpec

Keithley 153RevA DocSpec free download

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specificatbns, model 153 AS A VOLTMETER OR NULL DETECTOR: ZERO DRIFT: Less than f2 x lo-`zampere per 24 hours after RANGE: Zero.left: 10 microvolts full scale to 1000 volts in 17 warmup with reasonably constant ambient temperature. overlapping 1x and 3x ranges. Less than 8 x IO-`2 ampere during 2.hour warm-up. 5 microvolts full scale to 500 volts in 17 over. lNPUTNOISE(with Inputopen): LessthanO.lx10'~~ampere lapping 5x and 15x ranges. rms (0.5 x 10-`2 ampere peak-to-peak) on most sensitive range. ACCURACY (emlusivs of noise and drift): tNPUT RESISTANCE: Varies from one ohm on 10-L ampere +I% of full scale on lmillivolt to 1000wolt ranges. range to one megahm on 10-l' ampere range. 12% of full scale on lOO.microvolt to l-millivolt ranges. RlSETIME(lO%tta90~): Lessthan2secondson1(1'L0ampere 53% of full scale on lO.microvalt and 3O.microvalt ranges. to 10-l ampere ranges. ZERO DRIFT: Less than &2 microvolts per 24 hours after Less than 5 seconds on IO-"ampere and 3 x lO-"ampere warm-up with reasonably constant ambient temperature. ranges. Less than g microvolts during 2.haur warm.up. Long term drift is nonatmulative. GENERAL: INPUT NOISE: Less than 0.06 microvolt rms (0.3 microvolt or center-zero scales. Recorder output polarity is not on most sensitive range with input shorted. reversed. Less than 0.1 microvolt rms (0.5 microvolt on most sensitive range with 1 megohm source. ISOLATION: Circuit ground to chassis ground: Greater than lo9 ohms shunted by 0.05 microfarad. Circuit ground may INPUT RESISTANCE: be floated up to &OO volts dc or peek with respect to Greater than 200 megohms on 100 microvolt to 1000 volt chassis ground. ranges. RECORDgR OUTPUT: Greater than 50 megohms an 30 microvolt range. Output: 0 to hl volt dc (adjustable) et up to one milll- Greater than 20 megohms on 10 microvqltmnge. ampere for full.scale meter deflection on any range. NOTE: Inputresistanceofanyrangemaybe shunted bye2 Resistance: Less than 10 ohms with output potentiometer megohm resistor using the Function switch. set for maximum output.

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